Thursday, November 13, 2008

Born In The U.S.A. - Expats Look Back

The election of Obama has certainly brought a sense of relief from the 8 years of the Bush administration to Americans in the US and abroad. However, if expats are moving back here and looking for work they will be shocked by the lack of job opportunities. The first thing we need in the US is a green jobs program that builds a new green infrastructure. A jobs program that employs the millions of America who need decent paying work and healthcare. A green jobs program would put solar panels on every home and commercial structure in the country. It would mean building community gardens so we could feed ourselves fresh, healthy foods without driving to the grocery store. We also need to invest in traditional infrastructure like roads, bridges and mass transit.

We need to push Obama and his advisers in these directions rather than let the Democratic party and lobbyists for big corporations dominate the discussion. Expats can be a major part of this force for change, from abroad as well as in the USA.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost